Goldfinches at Your Window

I love to see the  bright yellow and black Goldfinch at my bird feeders.  For years we didn’t have one, but I realized getting then to visit my backyard feeder is not that difficult. All I needed was a bag of thistle seed.

As is common in the wild, the male is more showing with yellow with black trim and the females are an olive-yellow.

The adult birds put on quite a show  they gather seed from my seed bag and from plants like thistle and zinnias, cosmos, bee balm, liatris and coreopsis.

I read that the Goldfinches love thistle seed, also known as nyjer, and sunflower seeds. Seed makes up almost their entire diet.

I also realized that the little yellow birds really appreciate having a bird bath close by.  It is mesmerizing to watch them feed and then splash. 

The Goldfinch is among the latest nesting birds and in late summer, they collect thistle-down to line their nests and raise four to six young, feeding them a partially digested substance called “canary milk.” Both the male and female feed the baby birds.

I must say I’ve not heard my Goldfinches sing; the birding books say they may sing “per-chick-o-ree” with each flap of their wings as they fly. In winter, they may sing “se-mee, se-mee” and other pretty twittering songs.

It’s not too late–put out a bag of thistle seed now and you’ll have these amazing little yellow birds in your yard in no time.

About Lisa Bieri

Realtor in Door County, Wisconsin. What sets me apart from the myriad of other Realtors? I love this area, I grew up here and am fortunate to live and work here. Whatever your ideal lifestyle, I can help you see how it can be acheived in Door County. I am a native (my family now runs seven generations deep) and I know the area like the proverbial "back of my hand". I specialize in the towns of Jacksonport, Egg Harbor, Sevastopol, Baileys Harbor, Fish Creek, Ephraim and Sister Bay. If you love the water I can tell you about Lake Michigan (on our easterly border) the Bay of Green Bay (on our westerly border) as well as Clark Lake and Kangaroo Lake--two of Door County's most popular inland lakes. I am committed to being focused on what is important to you--whether you are selling or buying. I look forward to talking with you soon.
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